All Categories Features Your Public Profile page

Your Public Profile page

Each account has 2 views: The app and your public page.

The app is where you work in to manage your bookmarks and categories.

The public page is what you share with the world, where you control (in the app) which categories are marked as public (default) or private. This is what a public page looks like:

⚠️ For trial accounts, all categories are public. The 'private' category setting is only available for paid subscriptions.

Public pages are great to:

  • promote your work

  • endorse the tools you use

  • inspire others with valuable resources

Manage visibility

Go to the edit page in your app to mark categories as public or private.

⚠️ Tip: Always make sure that your public categories don't show bookmarks that need to remain private! 🙈

Search engines

Your public page may be indexed by search engines like Google. If you don't want that, you can discourage them from doing so, in Settings > Account. Checking this option will add the meta tag <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> to your public page, which most search engines respect and keep you out of the search results. (No guarantees on that btw, if you want it to remain private, don't set your page to public or add a password, see Spaces.)

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