All Categories Features Edit a bookmark

Edit a bookmark

Set a custom icon, change the link and mouseover title

If you want to use a custom favicon, you can edit the bookmark to upload your image. You can also change the link, mouseover title, or delete the bookmark.

Edit or delete a bookmark

Edit a single bookmark

  1. Click and hold the icon shortly in the regular view of your account

  2. A window pops up (see video above).

    • Here you can edit the URL and title. Click Update to save changes.

    • To change the icon, click on the (placeholder) image and a file selector will show. Select the desired favicon image (needs to be square and PNG file format) and click Update to save changes.

    • To remove the bookmark, click 'Delete bookmark'. Next, click 'Are you sure?' to confirm.

Edit multiple bookmarks

If you want to reorganize bookmarks or edit multiple bookmarks in a row, we offer an edit mode with more options.

  1. Go into the page edit mode: click the edit button in the lower right corner of your browser. You can now drag and drop icons to reorganize.

  2. Click the icon of the bookmark you want to change

  3. Now you can change the link, title, upload a new image, or delete the bookmark, just as described above and shown in the video.


  • Custom icons apply to your account only. Also when you upload a new icon for your Gmail bookmark, it will only apply to that bookmark.

  • Custom icons are especially handy for sites that can't be reached by our favicon grabber, and thus don't have any icon at all, just a placeholder img. This can be local dev sites like localhost or 192.168.x.x but also sites that block crawlers like strong firewalls. In this case, a custom icon can come in handy.

💡 Tip: If you have a popular public site that we cannot fetch the icon for, you can request us to add it to our database.

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