All Categories Getting started Set Superdense as homepage in your browsers

Set Superdense as homepage in your browsers

In all your browsers, on your laptop, desktop and gaming PC

You'll benefit the most from your Superdense account if you set it as the default starting page in your browsers.

  • Chrome

  • Safari

  • Firefox


Setting Superdense as a homepage is extremely easy and the process is the same for both Windows and Mac.

Step 1

Locate the three dots positioned at the top right-hand side of the browser window and click on that icon. Click on Settings afterward.


Step 2

Click on Appearance on the left pane and then add the URL of the app -


At this point, Superdense has been set as the homepage of your browser but when you close the browser, by default, the homepage will not be displayed unless you alter that setting. To do that, on the same Settings page, click on On start-up and add the app URL


Now Superdense has been set up as the default homepage of your Chrome browser and will always load upon browser launch and will look similar to the image below.



On Safari, the process is relatively straightforward. Press + , from your keyboard to launch the Preference menu. Select A new window from the Safari opens with field and then Homepage from the New windows open with field. Lastly, for the Homepage field, enter the Supersense app URL -



On Mac, just like Safari and Chrome browsers, pressing the keys + , takes you to the Settings page, and on Windows, clicking the menu bar at the top right-hand side of the browser window gives you the option to select the Settings menu. Select Custome URLs and then enter the URL of the Superdense app -


Congratulations! 🎉 Now you have Superdense as the default homepage of all our browsers.

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